Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Christmas Letter

I didn't send out our Christmas letter this year... not even by e-mail like I have in years past. I love to do a scrapbook page and collage some favorite photos from this fall. Since we keep everyone so well updated via Facebook ;) , we decided posting there was sufficient enough as most of you already know of the crazy year we've had!

The letter reads:  Merry Christmas 2014!  We have much to than The Lord of this year.  Beau got his custom made heart on February 4th.  He has several other hospital stays and surgeries this year but is now healthy and happy!  We traveled to Minnesota this summer for Marisa's dad's wedding and Andrew's sister's wedding - back-to-back weekends. We soaked in a year of experiencing all Beau's "firsts" including his 1st birthday in September!  We also enjoyed many visitors here in Virginia, including Auntie Jilayna who lived with us for 9 months. Andrew recently got a promotion to the next rank and Marisa went back to work this fall as a special education assistant.  As we celebrate the first NOEL, may you feel the love of Jesus this season and throughout the coming year. 
Andrew, Marisa, Beau, Ty, and Luna

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