Wednesday, October 9, 2013

The NICU - week 1

It is now October 9th and we've spent 3.5 weeks in the NICU!!  I honestly don't even know where to begin to share the journey that the last weeks has brought us....  I have been writing in a journal at the hospital to keep track of daily changes and measurements so I'll go back and try to fill you in on the last weeks....

After birth, the medical staff were unable to get an umbilicus IV inserted so he was given an arm IV until eventually switched to a picc line.  This picc line is essentially an IV but is a small tube (looks like a piece of stretchy yarn) that runs in his arm and all the way to his heart.  This line is where his TPN (total parenateral nutrition) and any additional medications are injected.

Beau is hooked up to a lot of lines to watch his heart rate, respirations, and oxygen saturation as well.

Grammy Sue flew in at midnight the evening of Beau's delivery and spent the first week with us at the hospital.  She was so helpful in her medical and NICU knowledge that it really gave us a good understanding of what they were doing medically for Beau.

On Sept 16th, at about 24 hours old, Mommy got to hold Beau for the first time. We got Beau's footprints taken for his baby book and we had visitors today too!!  Jackie, Steve, and baby Graham came to visit and brought a 'Home' Willow tree figurine. Pastor Tommy and wife Laura came to visit also. The Hausauers sent us a beautiful fall bouquet and a balloon.

On Sept. 17th, Daddy got to hold Beau for the first time. Also,  they also began giving Beau milk - yippee!!  He began receiving just 4mL of milk. We have tried feeding Beau with a bottle nipple and syringe but he has very limited sucking reflexed so it has been the feeding tube from this day on.  He poo-ed for the first time today, too! Krissy came to visit Beau today and brought him one of Marisa's favorite books - Love you Forever.  Grandpa Marty and Terri sent a beautiful red bouquet in a wagon. Nana and Papa Muhs sent a yummy edible arrangement that we got to share with the nurses.


On Sept. 18th, we had a setback in feeding.  He is having residual with his feeds. This means that they would feed him and at the next feed three hours later, they would retract from the feeding tube any undigested milk remaining in his tummy.  Sounds gross but it would let them know how much milk to give him at the next feed.  Sometimes if the milk was partially digested they would give it back to him with additional mL to make his amount for that feeding period.  Well they put a hold on his feeds (through the feeding tube) for 12 hours. There was too much fluid around his lungs causing high respirations so he was given a diuretic to 'redirect' fluid out of his body.  They took blood for the microray test to confirm his fetal diagnosis of Trisomy 21 (down syndrome). Bethany came to visit Beau today too!

On Sept. 19th, Beau was placed under phototherapy lights for jaundice (excessive amount of red blood cells). He was still having residuals of  4-6 mL. He is still being given the Lasix for excessive fluid. Grammy Sue got to hold Beau, her first grandbaby, for the first time!

On Sept. 20th, Beau began tolerating his feeds with minimum residual.  He now weighs 1650 g = 3 lb. 10 oz. He was taken off the phototherapy lights today.

On Sept. 21st, doctors increased Beau's feeds to 8mL. He has had a nasal cannula giving him room air to help support consistent respirations though he is breathing on his own.  Beau had to be given a suppository as he was not going #2 on his own. Grammy sue headed back to Minnesota today. Tonight he weighed 1670g = 3 pounds, 11 ounces.  They turned down his isolette to room air temperature and put him in his first onesie and a hat!

Pour out your heart like water before the face of the Lord.
Lift your hands toward Him for the life of your young children. 
Lamentations 2.19

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