Beau had another morning x-ray and his stomach and intestines look totally clear - no gas bubbles or tubules! His IV was moved to his left foot as his hand/arm looked a little puffy. He still has the tube in his mouth 'emptying' his tummy but the suction has been turned off so it's being 'put to gravity.' At 5:30pm his IV was switched to his other foot because his left foot would not flush. Poor baby is being poked left and right. His rash (or possibly neonatal acne) seems to be spreading to his cheeks now. Today's weight: 2435g = 5 pounds, 5.9 ounces.
Friday, October 18, 2013
The NICU was closed for the afternoon to visitors due to the admittance of a very critical baby so we only got to see Beau in the evening. Nana Meredith got into town at 4pm and we headed to the hospital after dinnertime when they re-opened after nurse change at 7:30. Nurses began Beau's feeds again at 2pm with only 10mL so the replogle tube was removed from his mouth. They also started him on TPN. The IV was moved AGAIN into his left foot. His air cannula was increased to 3L and he received his last dose of antibiotics at 8pm. He has two brady events today at 0845 and 1348. Today's weight: 2475g = 5 pounds 7.3 ounces.
Saturday, October 19, 2013
No brady events today - woohoo!!! His feeds were increased to 20mL and still TPN for additional supplements. Today's weight: 2540g = 5 pounds, 9ounces - up 2 POUNDS from his birthday!!!
Sunday, October 20, 2013
Nana got Beau an adorable crab outfit that was hard to resist!! His feeding tube was moved to his mouth, how uncomfortable. :( His feeds were increased to 25mL at 5pm. He has no brady events overnight from Saturday to Sunday but had 3 this evening. Today's weight: 2565g = 5 pounds, 10.5 ounces, length: 47.5cm, and head 37.5cm.
Monday, October 21, 2013
When we arrived for Today's visit, the IV was no longer in his foot and now in his leg. He has no brady events overnight but two today at 0730 and 1215; also a few de-sat events possibly related to 'bearing down.' At 5pm, Beau's feeds were increased to 35mL and his air cannula was decreased to 2L. Today's weight: 2600g = 5 pounds, 11.7 ounces.
This onesie is from Great Aunt Sue - she thinks Beau is a star on Facebook and in their lives!
Tuesday, October 22, 2013
We hit another milestone today - Beau was moved out of premie diapers!! YAY!!! His NG feeding tube was moved back to his nose at the morning nurse change. His feeds were increased at 5pm to 45mL (where he was before tummy incident) so he no longer needs the TPN but the IV is still in his leg. His nasal cannula was turned down to 1L. He has a brady event at 1040. I got to weigh Beau today and it was quite the memory - he pooped on the scale, then during clean up peed, and then pooped again! We were all laughing hysterically!! When we finally got the weight he was 2520g = 5 pounds, 8.9 ounces (down a little bit).
Our friends Jackie and Steve came to visit again too after we had a nice seafood dinner together.
Wednesday, October 23, 2013
Nana got her final snuggles with Beau until she returns for Christmas. We had a GREAT day!!! The IV was taken out of Beau's leg. He has no brady events overnight from Tuesday to Wednesday. He was taken off his air cannula at 2pm for the first time since he was born!! Marisa got to bottle feed Beau for the first time at 2pm and he took 15mL with the help of Donna his OT. We are going to begin PO (by mouth) feeding 2-3 times a day. Beau had one brady at 6pm. Today's wight 2610g = 5 pounds 12 ounces.
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